It’s been an incredibly productive and immensely rewarding Q1 at dovetail solutions. We welcomed a new team member, we were awarded several new client partners to begin rewarding relationships, and also volunteered in the communities in which we live both in Colorado and in California. We’ve set the tone for a successful and impactful 2023.

what our clients have to say about us

A friend for more than 20 years, we’re grateful to have the opportunity to work closely with our client partner Scott Bemis.

The former publisher of the Denver Business Journal, Scott created Bemis Business Partners (BBP) in 2021 as a way to connect trusted and respected business-to-business service providers with prospective clients, in need of specific services.

BBP consists of 12 founding partners, including dovetail solutions’ Founder and CEO Andy Boian, and currently offers nearly 40 services. Here’s what Scott has to say about working with the dovetail team.

While countless people across the world put together New Year’s resolutions, dovetailers took on a different approach with our word of the year.
By selecting a word that aligns with each dovetailer’s overall goals and intentions, our words serve as an ongoing theme in the year. With studies demonstrating that most people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by February, choosing a word allows you to focus your energy on one centralized theme, builds healthy habits and melts away the stress of sticking to resolutions.

So, here’s to having the CONFIDENCE to know that we are doing top-tier work. To BREATHING and practicing PATIENCE when engaging with the client. To being RESILIENT and INTENTIONAL to continue delivering work you can be proud of. To remaining PRESENT enough to see the POSITIVE so you create your own JOY and PEACE at the end of the day.

To see how dovetailers are implementing their words into their daily lives, follow us on social media for our #ElevateSeries.

growing our team

This past quarter we had the opportunity to welcome a new dovetailer, Katie Lindquist, to the team.

Energized by the bustling agency atmosphere, Katie has spent her career focusing on the intersection of public relations and public affairs with experience encapsulating a wide range of clients, including health care, real estate, Tribal/Government Affairs, legislative advocacy campaigns, B2B, nonprofit and tech. She is certified by PRSA for crisis communications and provides steady council to clients as they navigate unpredictable situations.

charitable contributions in our communities

Giving back to the community that has given us so much in return is an integral part of our founding principles here at dovetail solutions.

Our team had the opportunity this month to volunteer with Sac Food Bank & Family Services and helped sort, bag and box fresh produce and non-perishable items for distribution to food service partners across the Sacramento region. We also volunteered with the Food For Thought Denver Movement to pack PowerSacks to help kids bridge the hunger gap over the weekend.

the art of active listening

Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to invite Heather R Younger to our Denver office.

Heather is a highly sought-after speaker, 2x-TEDx speaker, diversity, equity and inclusion strategist, and contributor to leading news outlets. She is also the founder and CEO of Employee Fanatix, a leading employee engagement and consulting firm.

A best-selling author, Heather recently published her third book, The Art of Active Listening.

According to Heather, “The Art of Active Listening” isn’t just a book. She’s building a community of people who want to build stronger relationships, avoid misunderstandings, and anticipate problems before they surface at work.

Active Listeners fight against the old norms that created environments where “that’s the way it’s always been done” has been the status quo. Active Listeners fight against toxic workplaces where people don’t feel like their experience matters and they should just show up and do what they’re told. Active Listeners fight against social structures that have left people feeling excluded and pushed to the sides.

If you’re interested in learning more about Heather and The Art of Active Listening, please visit:


client case study

In May of 2022, we began our partnership with our client, Logic Integration, an award-winning partner for designing and installing state-of-the-art audio and video systems for commercial, corporate, and residential spaces.

As our relationship developed, we provided recommendations and delivered social media content on an ongoing basis with a collective goal to increase followership, brand awareness, website traffic and leads. The results include:

● Increased website traffic via Facebook 336.36% vs. 2021.
● Increased website traffic via LinkedIn 111.11% vs. 2021.
● Increased website sessions via social referrals 93.95% vs. 2021.
● Increased net followers on Facebook by 1053% vs. 2021.

In addition to their social media, dovetail solutions developed Logic’s new website and launched it in November 2022. One month later, users, new users, sessions, number of sessions per user, pageviews, pages per session, average session duration and bounce rate all increased post-website launch.