When starting off in your career, it can be challenging to know what industry truly piques your interest. It certainly was for me. Though I had my degree and skill set from college, I wasn’t sure what type of PR I was interested in going into. While I was originally intrigued by PR for entertainers, restaurants and consumer products, I’ve found that B-to-B PR has been such a rewarding focus for me professionally.

I was fortunate to find a position working in healthcare PR and marketing right out of college, where I got great exposure to the field. Having interned with dovetail solutions during my senior year of college, the biggest growth opportunity for me in my career has been returning to this firm that has established itself as an expert in all aspects of real estate PR. As well, from architecture PR to construction PR, it has truly found its niche in Denver’s public relations scene. While I hadn’t anticipated that I would begin working in this field, I’ve truly enjoyed and valued contributing to the growth of this booming industry here in Denver and am thrilled to continue being part of it through the work of this firm.