The Expansion Sale
We’re thrilled to be supporting Corporate Visions and the launch of their latest book outlining four must-win conversations to keep and grow customers. Analysts estimate that existing customers represent 70-80% of company revenue and profits. As leading experts in strategic customer engagement, Corporate Visions’ Erik Peterson and Tim Riesterer shine a light on how to harness this opportunity and focus on customer expansion as a growth engine.
Mindset for Mastery
NFL champion Ryan Harris’ guide helping us all to reach our greatness and overcome our own worst enemy: self-doubt.
Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell and Know
It’s no secret that as dovetailers, we’re major dog lovers. Written by a cognitive scientist, this book helps take us into the mind of a dog so we can better understand our furry friends.
10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works
ABC News correspondent Dan Harris takes readers through his personal journey with the art of meditation, and how it has helped him to sharpen his professional skills. In true journalistic style, he breaks down the practice of meditation to provide readers the motivation kickstart their journey toward enlightenment.
Harvard Business Review: Management Tip of the Day
Subscribe for quick tips on the go, giving us all a little added motivation and insight into how we can improve performance every day.
A Mississippi hotel lets guests foster dogs during their stay and now more than 60 have found forever homes, Business Insider
A heartwarming example of the true magic that can happen when businesses invest in a community need.
Sparking Joy: How to ‘Marie Kondo’ Your Presentations, PRSA
For fans of the latest minimalism trend, we have some tips on how to simplify your office life as well…starting with business presentations.