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Over the holidays, many of us have time to relax and reflect or spend time with loved ones, which helps to put the challenges of our daily lives into perspective. Then suddenly, the new year starts up again, and we’re back to the daily grind! After a few quick, crowded trips to the gym to dust off that membership and a few days of hitting the snooze button, we blink and we’re already a fraction of the way through the new year.
That’s usually about the time when the New Year’s resolutions start to get forgotten, too. Did you know that January 17 has been designated “Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day” because it is the most common date to give up on them? Only 40 percent of resolutions are still successful after six months, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania. That opportunity to start fresh can be quickly overlooked!
This year I’m trying a different approach – I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions. Instead I’m working on a few sustainable, achievable goals and intentions. Here is a compilation of ideas for how to keep the momentum going throughout the year:
- Aim for intentions instead of resolutions! The word “intention” has an inherently positive connotation rather than the negative connotation attached to fixing a problem or conflict with a resolution. Make an ongoing effort to strive for positive motivation and momentum this year.
- Make it simple. Choose just one word to focus on. Check out #OneWord365 or this article for inspiration and instructions.
- Hold yourself accountable by making it public. Tell family, tell friends, tell coworkers or post it on social media!
- Schedule periodic check-ins to keep yourself on track. Rather than using technology to procrastinate in 2016, use one of these goal-tracking and habit-forming apps to help you out. Whether it is monthly, quarterly or on summer vacation, set a reminder to follow-up!
- Encourage yourself to stick with your intentions by rewarding yourself for incremental milestones.
Wishing you all a fantastic 2016 from dovetail solutions!
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